​​How to Take the Leap and Become an Au Pair

Written by Kailee Smart

Kailee is an American-Italian photographer, writer, creative, and traveler who fell in love with half of her identity and never turned back. She lived in Rome as an au pair in 2019 and has since traveled to over 40 Italian cities after purchasing a home in the beautiful Rieti region. She is passionate about language and connecting with other cultures all over the globe. Follow along with her travels at www.kaileesmart.com and use code "KAILEE" to get $70 off your next RomeAbroad adventure!

8 September 2022

Taking the leap and becoming an au pair for the summer was one of the most incredible things I have done thus far. Since I was a child, I have always wanted to travel to the places I had read about. What I didn’t know, however, was how incredibly easy it could be. It is easy to sit down, figure out where you want to go, book tickets, and be on your way. It is easy to find yourself in a new place, falling in love with the city. It is easy to travel around the city when you get there, make new friends, and develop a connection with the kids. What isn’t easy is the mental roadblock you may encounter if it is your first time. For me, this roadblock almost deterred me from experiencing the most magical four months of my life. So how do you take the leap and become an au pair? Here are 3 steps to taking that leap!

  1. Define your “why”
  2. Talk with other people who have done it before
  3. Remind yourself that you’re capable 


1. Define your “why”

There is a reason that this is number one on my list. It is one of the most crucial areas you need to target to take the leap and become an au pair. The more clearly you understand why you’d like to do something, the more likely you are to do it. Do you want to travel to find yourself? Do you want to travel to discover like-minded friends? Do you want to travel to the place where your great-grandparents once lived? This “why” will help you push through the mental block that often goes with wanting to try something new. Anytime we want to begin a new thing, be it a hobby, learning a language, school, or travel, it is easy to reason ourselves out of it. Sometimes, you’re not alone in your doubt. Even if they care about you, your family and friends can try to influence your decision due to their own fears. Something about new experiences can cause the mind to spiral into doubt. This is normal and understandable, but if you hold onto your “why,” you can help yourself out of it. So, sit down with a notebook and define your “why.” Clearly define it and outline how you will achieve it. Write about how it will make you feel. Visualize yourself as an au pair living abroad in a foreign country. Visualize yourself going through every step of the process. See yourself happy at the finish line. Doing this will allow you to get over that first roadblock, the one that comes from within. Define your “why” and get going!

2. Talk with other people who have done it before

Having defined your “why” and put your doubts at ease, start learning more about the process. Although being an au pair is a very special experience, it is becoming increasingly popular. Before I became an au pair, I watched YouTube videos and scoured Instagram for past and current au pairs so I could ask my questions to. Luckily, I decided to use Rome Abroad, which has a great network of au pairs that are more than willing to help. There is always a representative available at any agency that can answer your questions, but, talking to someone your own age or from a similar background can make everything feel more manageable. I wrote a list of a few questions that I had (things like… how did you plan weekend trips, how did you get to and from different places, how did you connect with your kids, etc.) and I messaged away. I was never met with dismissal, but only a willingness to help. Being an au pair is such a special experience and you will find that anyone that has done it is happy to share about it. Talking to different people that were once au pairs, or currently are au pairs pushed that doubt that I had even further away. It showed me “if she can do it, so can you!” Aside from speaking with other au pairs, I also watched videos of other people that were au pairs. There are so many vlogs on YouTube of au pairs detailing their typical “day in the life” that really showed me that this experience wasn’t something I should be afraid of. Seeing it in real-time, in such a simple way, only excited me and made me more eager to live that experience on my own. Once you’ve defined your “why,” check out the #aupair hashtag on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube. Watch videos, reach out to people with prepared questions and be accepting of their responses. This significantly helped me. I had my “why,” I pushed my doubt aside, I spoke with people that lived the life I was hoping to live, and I was able to determine I could also live it. This was the second step that helped me take the leap into becoming an au pair and a step that I was glad that I took.

3. Remind yourself that you’re capable 

Finally, remind yourself that you’re capable! You are capable of doing hard things, scary things, new things, exciting things, all of the things. You are more than capable of deciding you want to be an au pair and committing to it. Create your “to-do” list, stick to it, and achieve everything on the list. Being an au pair doesn’t have to be a scary thing. It can be challenging of course, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Once you have your “why,” you’ve talked to other au pairs, the only thing left to do is know that you can do it. To truly take the leap and become an au pair, this may be the most important step. Becoming an au pair is really just about your mindset, knowing you want to do it, figuring out how to do it (that is what Rome Abroad is for!), and doing it. You can take the leap and become an au pair. I know you can because I did it and if I can do it, then so can you! Always feel free to reach out to me on Instagram if you have more questions. I always get asked about my experience and I am always happy and excited to share the joys that Rome Abroad gave me. Get out there and start traveling! You can read more about my experiences here:  www.kaileesmart.com or follow me on Instagram.

You can also use code “KAILEE” to get $70 off your next RomeAbroad adventure!

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