K’s First Week in Italy!

Written by Rome Abroad

23 September 2019

What were you grateful for this week?Feeling settled.

What was the most challenging part of this week?Becoming adjusted to the family and the time difference.

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.This week was challenging, becoming comfortable. However once I felt comfortable it was incredible being apart of the family. A wow moment was when I cleared the dinner table everyday this week.

Tell us about your week!There were many exciting things that happened! First I got to know the city, which is both exciting and overwhelming. Rome is a lot!

S and I traveled outside the city this weekend to get some air. We went to Assisi; which was absolutely stunning. It was basically 6+ Cathedrals and Basilicas on a huge, HUGE hill. Hurt the legs and feet, but worth it. So so amazing! I learned to be extremely cautious when outside. I actually got followed home and when I got home told my Host mother about it and she gave me great safety tips. It was very scary, but it made me more aware. Now when I’m out alone I don’t stay out past dark and I walk with my head held high up. As I continue to learn I hope that I will become more comfortable in my surroundings. I’m excited to get settled and explore more, while bettering my Italian! I am enjoying practicing my Italian as well as being on my own in the city. It brings such confidence and hope when you learn your surroundings and successfully navigate! I discovered some great lunch shops, as well as clothing stores. There is certainly so much to see in Rome, but Italy itself is so big I can’t wait to see as much as possible!

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