🇪🇸 S’s Week in Spain

Written by Rome Abroad

21 October 2019

What were you grateful for this week?I was grateful for the opportunity to explore more of Spain this weekend.

What was the most challenging part of this week?The most challenging part of this week was feeling bad for leaving on the weekend again. I know that I have weekends free but I felt bad for leaving two weekends in a row. I am torn between seizing the opportunity to travel and spending time with my family.

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.A “wow” moment this week came when I offered to go grocery shopping for my host mom so she could go to the gym. Both of the girls were doing activities so I had some free time and decided to offer that to her so she could check something off her list.

Tell us about your week!This week was like any other week except I was extremely tired for the first part of the week. I got back from Paris late Sunday night and had to be up early Monday morning. I was very tired but it was worth it. The older daughter started English classes at her school so now Mondays and Wednesdays we have to rush home from school, eat lunch, and go back to the school. She also has scheduled play times Tuesday and Thursdays at this place that reminds me of a YMCA kids room. So I take her there on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am enjoying seeing the younger daughter learn English. There are a few words that she knows now and will say on her own without repeating them. The older daughter knows a lot of English but never speaks.

This past weekend I went to Barcelona. I stayed in a hostel and met two girls from the United States. Barcelona was amazingly beautiful and it was so fun to explore and meet new people. I got to see all the big sites I hoped to see in a short amount of time. I learned a lot about the history of Barcelona while I was there and it was very interesting. I also learned that there are about 5 languages spoken in Spain and they are all very different and very hard to learn.

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